Monday, April 29, 2013

Coffee Chat

Today, my Coffee Chat post is about RELAXATION.

And it goes something like this.....

Relaxation: whether it be just me, or taking a stroll on my bike, or even confiding in a friend or family member, this "hobby" of mine is very important to me. For me, it doesn't always mean lying down or sitting on a couch for long periods of time. I mean, don't get me wrong, I LOVE doing both of those, but it simply means just finding time for ME. Life gets so hectic at times and I constantly find myself writing too many list of things I want to accomplish throughout the day, month and year. I truly love the feeling of crossing off items on these list, but I also love indulging in something new, something fresh, and taking a step back to enjoy the little things in life. Maybe that means going to a spa to get a manicure or going on a walking and picking wildflowers before I reach home. In the midst of chaos I love taking a step back and reflecting on life. Finding out what is truly important and focusing on important goals that I set for myself. Or even sometimes it's simply reminding a love one how much they mean to me. These are the things that keep me grounded and striving to be a better person. I would rather have a million smiles then a million bucks, because to me that happiness is what makes the world go around.

Find your true happiness and go for it. Give yourself credit and always take time for yourself. It's okay to be selfish, because ultimately you come first in your own life. You owe it to yourself to take time and relax and smell the fresh air. With May right around the corner take a second to step outside, run your bare feet through fresh cut grass, hug someone special in your life, or even dive head first into something you have dreamed of for so long. Whatever way you choose to have your "relaxation" time I promise will make you feel so much better. Just remember, everything starts with you!

Annnd... everyday is an Oh Gorgeous Day! :)

Happy Monday everyone! 

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