Monday, April 29, 2013

Coffee Chat

Today, my Coffee Chat post is about RELAXATION.

And it goes something like this.....

Relaxation: whether it be just me, or taking a stroll on my bike, or even confiding in a friend or family member, this "hobby" of mine is very important to me. For me, it doesn't always mean lying down or sitting on a couch for long periods of time. I mean, don't get me wrong, I LOVE doing both of those, but it simply means just finding time for ME. Life gets so hectic at times and I constantly find myself writing too many list of things I want to accomplish throughout the day, month and year. I truly love the feeling of crossing off items on these list, but I also love indulging in something new, something fresh, and taking a step back to enjoy the little things in life. Maybe that means going to a spa to get a manicure or going on a walking and picking wildflowers before I reach home. In the midst of chaos I love taking a step back and reflecting on life. Finding out what is truly important and focusing on important goals that I set for myself. Or even sometimes it's simply reminding a love one how much they mean to me. These are the things that keep me grounded and striving to be a better person. I would rather have a million smiles then a million bucks, because to me that happiness is what makes the world go around.

Find your true happiness and go for it. Give yourself credit and always take time for yourself. It's okay to be selfish, because ultimately you come first in your own life. You owe it to yourself to take time and relax and smell the fresh air. With May right around the corner take a second to step outside, run your bare feet through fresh cut grass, hug someone special in your life, or even dive head first into something you have dreamed of for so long. Whatever way you choose to have your "relaxation" time I promise will make you feel so much better. Just remember, everything starts with you!

Annnd... everyday is an Oh Gorgeous Day! :)

Happy Monday everyone! 

My Best Friend's Wedding

When your friends start getting married your whole world fills with so much joy and happiness for them. But nothing exemplifies that feeling more than when a best friend gets married. Those very emotions ran deep within me on April 6th.

Set in Peoria, IL along the Illinois River, Kaley and Josh tied the knot in one of the sweetest and dear-to-my heart weddings I've been to.  The feelings that resonated with their wedding were nothing more than TRUE. True love, true friendships, true beauty, and true to who Kaley and Josh are. With the bridesmaids dressed in the most perfect shade of lavender and the men wearing sophisticated charcoal suites, it was clear Kaley has impeccable taste for style.  The colors together were the perfect match for a beautiful Spring day. Let's not forget about the bride and groom. Kaley wore a gorgeous ivory dress that I still believe was made for her! The sheer elegance that flowed throughout the dress suited her perfectly. It was simple but still had a touch of glam with a beautifully detailed band that accentuated her perfect shape. I certainly can't leave out the veil. This cathedral-style veil added a dramatic touch to the look and flowed flawlessly with the shape of the dress swaying behind her when she walked. It was enough to make anyone swoon. I may add,  it was her something borrowed from yours truly :) To top off Kaley's bridal look was the most GORGEOUS bouquet ever! When I saw the flowers arrive my heart about melted. It was that moment that I knew just how much I truly LOVE weddings and everything they encompass. You can see pictures of exactly what I'm talking about when I say breath-taker bouquet!  And then there was her groom looking handsome as ever in a light gray suite. I thought this was such a special touch to put the groom in a different colored suite than what his groomsmen were wearing. It was subtle but strong. Paired together, they looked absolutely stunning!!

I had the very pleasure of not only having the honor of standing next to Kaley as one of her Matrons of Honor, but Kaley also gave me the opportunity of doing some partial planning and styling for her big day. Don't get me wrong, this girl put a lot of hard work, planning and choosing of her beautiful details; I was just there to simply help a sista out :) We continued with the hues of purple and gray theme throughout the reception decor. Kaley wanted it simple but elegant. This venue completely showcased that. The church had so much beautiful detail and gorgeous architecture that it sent chills throughout me when I first walked in. The reception venue didn't sell itself short either. With beautiful views of the river and contemporary elegance, it was sure to provide a perfect gathering place for everyone to enjoy Kaley and Josh's special day. To see more details check out the pictures below courtesy of Deidre Lynn Photography.

Kaley and Josh are high school sweethearts, survivors of dental school relationships, dog lovers, the perfect example of true love, and the best friends anyone could have! Their day could not have been more perfect for them and I could not be happier for the two of them.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Coffee Chat

 I will be starting a new series on my blog called Coffee Chat. One of my favorite things to do is grab a girl friend or a family member and talk about life over a warm cup of savory coffee. Life throws so many twist and turns and wonderful experiences, I really don't think there is a better way to share them than with a hot beverage and a loved one. 

Fridays are my day off work and so happen to be a day full of taking pictures for fun and working on my blog. It is also as a day I like to write. Write about my thoughts, what's going on in my life, what inspires me or just sharing new ideas that I have. I wake up in the morning, make a cup of coffee, and sit at my computer to write my next story idea. Coffee Chat is exactly how I'm going to incorporate this writing into my blog. Each Friday I will chat with you, my reader, something different. Hopefully it is something you may be able to find a little inspiration through.

This week's Coffee Chat is my Reflection on the Boston Marathon. You can find my write up HERE.

I hope everyone enjoys this day, rain or shine, we all have something to be happy about :) 

For me, it's HAPPY FRIDAY!
This adorable mug was gifted to me. You can find them at Anthropologie.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

This Week's Coffee Chat

This past Monday, April 15th 2013, 2 explosions rocked the finish line at the Boston Marathon killing three and injuring hundreds of people.  This violent event is just one of many that has occurred in my lifetime, and again, has left me reflecting on life. It’s moments like this that bring so much emotion even though it did not affect me directly. But I can’t help but feel sad, angry and questioning why somebody would do such a thing. I often sit and wonder what these innocent lives did to deserve this...They didn’t.

As people gathered around a 26.2  mile course to witness enduring runners complete a challenge like no other, spectators, tourist, and helpers joined together to celebrate these runners. If there is one thing that resonates with a marathon it would be unity. More than 27,000 people run each year at the Boston Marathon with multiple different countries joining together to create a sense of peace. Now, I have never ran a marathon nor have I been to one, but my husband,  and many of my friends, coworkers, and peers have and they all seem to have a uniform censuses on what a marathon encompasses. Integrity, endurance, and unity are just a few adjectives that can be used to describe these people’s experiences with a marathon. Not only from a runner’s standpoint but also everyone involved. It’s a celebration. Whether you are celebrating crossing the finish line or a close one’s accomplishment, or even completing a community service project because you spent the day handing out water or supporting the runners, it is a rewarding experience for many. The other unique part for a marathon, no one is required a ticket for entry. These thousands of people show up to show their support for people they may not know. Including those so eagerly waiting at the finish line. For most people it is a day free from problems and a day to relish in harmony, union and celebration; a day of joy and achievement. No one loses as each person participating gains some sort of personal accomplishment.

When someone suddenly interrupts that joy it becomes absolutely senseless. My heart broke  all the way from Iowa, along with the rest of the world watching the news. It was an attempt at destroying a recreation we so freely join in many times a year all across our country. Never giving it a second thought that something like this could happen at such a joyous occasion. Innocent bystanders taken from us far too early for no reason at all.

I have always been someone who strives to a better person every day, but this feeling has not resonated with me as much as it did on Monday. Maybe it’s because I’m a little older now and I have a whole different perspective on life. Or maybe it’s because so many sacrificed themselves to help others. Whatever it may be I want to continue my life finding the good in the world and sharing my helping hand to others. Whether it be finding one charitable cause a month or just sharing a smile with a stranger on the street, no good deed is too small or goes unnoticed. Don’t sweat the small stuff and enjoy each moment, because that’s what matters the most in life. And I hope we unite as a country and make the next major marathon a celebration of joy and triumph.
With that said, I continually believe that for every one bad person there are hundreds of good people filling our Earth. We will never be able to get rid those who choose to bring evil to our life, but we can continue to reach out to those who bring joy to our life. If don’t we let the bad win. In the wake of these tragic events, I can only hope we can stand up to these challenges and be become better people because of it. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

It's The Pretty Little Things

If this doesn't make you swoon I don't know what will :) 
This gorgeous arrangement was my best friend Kaley's bouquet at her wedding.

Photo courtesy of Deidre Lynn Photography

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

My Wedding Pictures Make Me Weak in the Knees :)

Photos Courtesy of Ah Snap! Images

Thank you so much April & Heather! I don't think I will ever stop drooling over these images :)